Sony is aiming at a 40 per cent share of the camera market by 2010-11 against a 35 per cent slice of the market now, Sony India Senior General Manager Sunil Nayyar said. He was here to launch the NEX 5 and NEX 3 series, which he claimed to be the world's smallest and lightest interchangeable lens digital camera. “They narrow the gap between professional and consumer segments.” Mr. Nayyar also said that Sony's digital camera sale was poised to jump from Rs.600 crore now to Rs.900 crore in fiscal 2011, when the company plans to sell 40,000 units. Camera, LCDs and laptops constitute the three main segments of the company's business. He said that while the market share increased by about two per cent during last fiscal, a five per cent incremental share was achievable in the current fiscal. The Indian camera market is valued at Rs.1,750 crore and is expected to touch Rs.2,250 crore in 2011-12. While 2.5 million units were sold in 2009-10, the figure is projected t...