Visa's new credit card to stop online frauds Lo ndon: The new Visa CodeSure card is of the same size as a conventional credit card but features a miniature keyboard and screen. It is used to generate a constantly changing series of unique security passwords required to authorise purchases over the Internet, the 'Daily Mail' reported. Head of Innovation at Visa Europe, Sandra Alzetta, said: "This exclusive Visa solution is an extremely convenient way to bring a similar level of security to payments online as we now enjoy on the high street. "The solution goes beyond online and remote shopping but also allows organisations to use the card in place of other online log-in systems to access." The card includes a 12-button keypad, a screen and a battery that will power the security system for three years. The user will input their PIN on the keyboard, which will then generate a unique password, including letters and numbers, that will be typed into the web sh...