Nokia C5 mobile enters the market at Rs. 7999 Bangalore: Nokia has unveiled its latest handset, Nokia C5, for the Indian market. It comes with the price tag of Rs. 7999. The C5 comes with features like a 3.15 MP camera, 3G connectivity and a 2.2 inch wide color display screen. The phone has an expandable memory up to 16GB . It operates on Symbian S60v3 and also supports OVI map, which is huge navigation application for the mobile devices. For connectivity purposes, Nokia C5 supports USB, Wi-Fi Bluetooth, onboard FM Radio and pre-installed Java. The new phone's vital feature entails Nokia Messaging and undemanding renovation of silhouette on Facebook. Along with the Nokia Messaging attributes, addicts can approach mails from Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail on the new mobile. Also users can get the access of mail version from Ovi mail for entree' mails on this new handset. C5 clientele can also update their contour on the social networking site Facebook effortlessly and can check p...