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Showing posts from July 23, 2010

Now, robots do surgeries without doctors

Now, robots do surgeries without doctors Washington: A physician-guided robot carrying out surgeries on patients is not new, but scientists have developed a next generation robot that could eliminate a surprising element from that scenario, the doctor. Feasibility studies conducted by Duke University bioengineers have demonstrated that a robot -- without any human assistance -- can locate a man-made, or phantom, lesion in simulated human organs. It can also guide a device to the lesion and take multiple samples during a single session, according to the researchers who believe as the technology is further developed autonomous robots could soon perform many more simple surgical tasks. "Earlier this year we demonstrated that a robot directed by artificial intelligence can on its own locate simulated calcifications and cysts in simulated breast tissue with high repeatability and accuracy," said Kaicheng Liang, a Duke scientists and a member of the research team. "...

India starts planning for new Internet protocol

India starts planning for new Internet protocol New Delhi: With the domain name bandwidth for web addresses expected to get exhausted by March 2012, the government has drawn up a roadmap for the transition into a newer version of Internet protocol that will enable unlimited options for users. "Over 18.4 million registered addresses in India have overburdened the initial version of address platforms, which is expected to exhaust the available space globally by March 2012," a statement issued by the ministry of communications and information technology said Wednesday. The roadmap, spelt out by the technical arm of Department of Telecommunications (DoT), will be implemented by all telecom and Internet providers, central and state government departments, industry associations, education institutes and equipment manufacturers, the ministry said. "This roadmap and the formation of the IPv6 task force together will enable citizens to start using IPv6 services by March 201...

Technology to help integrate disabled people to mainstream

Technology to help integrate disabled people to mainstream Bangalore: The application of technology to integrate the disabled people in the mainstream has always been an option. Technology can assist the disabled people in more ways than one. The Spastic Society of Karnataka's Center for Assistive Technology held talks on how to make technology-based devices easily available and affordable in India. Rukmini Krishnaswami, Director of the Spastic Society, said, "AT is here to help integrate disabled people in the mainstream. Most of them are lonely and excluded, with no social interaction, and this is where AT can help them not only to communicate with others, but also to discover new hobbies and develop creativity." Assistive Technology is famous worldwide and many countries have been working on it. The technology allows disabled people to be self- reliant and catch up with things at the same speed as their peers. However, importing Assistive Technology software will...