Bangalore: Toshiba India has announced the launch of the new Toshiba NB250 netbook series. The specialty of this model is its long battery life of up to 8 hours. The NB250 netbook, now available in India, is priced at Rs. 19,250 and has one year warranty.
Sivakumar N, General Manager, Toshiba India (PC Division) said, "Strengthening our array of products for India, on the occasion of our Independence day, Toshiba India now offers its customers all day computing freedom. The Toshiba NB250 series has a sophisticated look, is low weight and will help our customer remain connected on the go."
The NB250 comes with an Intel Atom processor N455 and has a 10.1 inch screen display. The netbook is pre-installed with Windows 7 starter edition and has a memory of 1GB RAM, expandable up to 2GB. For graphics the NB250 uses Intel NM10.
The netbook is HD audio supporting and SM BIOS compliant. It comes bundled with a range of softwares. Connectivity wise, it supports Wi-Fi and LAN. The NB250 has a full sized keyboard along with multi-touch pad with gesture supports..
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