The X6 smartphone comes with 3.2-inch capacitive touch screen and widescreen display to watch HD videos on your mobile. Take stunning photos with the 5-meg camera endowed with Carl Zeiss optics and a dual LED flash. A dedicated media bar touch key gives quick access to features like music, videos, media gallery, sharing media online and the web browser. The handset has 8GB of memory and supports 11.5 hours of talk time on GSM and 6 hours of talk time on 3G.
1. StumbleUpon The granddaddy of discovering random cool stuff online, StumbleUpon will celebrate its 10th anniversary later this year — but its mobile app is less than a year old. On the web, its eight million users have spent the last decade recommending (or disliking) millions of webpages with a thumbs up / thumbs down system on a specially installed browser bar. The StumbleUpon engine then passes on recommendations from users whose interests seem similar to yours. Hit the Stumble button and you’ll get a random page that the engine thinks you’ll like. The more you like or dislike its recommendations, the more these random pages will surprise and delight. Device : iPhone , iPad , Android 2. iReddit Reddit is a self-described social news website where users vote for their favorite stories, pictures or posts from other users, then argue vehemently over their meaning in the comments section. In recent years, it has gained readers as its competitor Digg has lost them. ...
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