New Delhi: Taiwan based electronics major Acer launched its latest Liquid E Ferrari special edition smartphone. Acer has collaborated with luxury supercar maker Ferrari to design the smartphone which uses Qualcomm's Snapdragon chipset, the company said. "The new range of Acer smartphones has been rolled out to meet the increasing consumer demand to access mobile internet in style, anytime and anywhere. These phones personify versatility, performance and stylishness," said S. Rajendran, Chief Marketing Officer, Acer India. "Acer is a pioneer in offering its customers the best in technology and the Snapdragon mobile processor from Qualcomm makes the Liquid E Ferrari special edition a product par excellence," he added.The smartphone comes loaded with a 5 megapixel camera, Wi-Fi and an elite Bluetooth headset, which can regulate volume automatically. The introductory price of the smartphone is Rs.29,999 which will be increased after Diwali, once the festive season is over, the company said.These stylish phones will be sold through multi-brand consumer durable and electronic shop Chroma. Later on, it will be made available at other outlets as well. "The product will be well received across a spectrum of users -- professionals, sports enthusiasts, youngsters in all key metro markets like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Pune etc where Croma has a dominant footprint," said Ajit Joshi, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Infinity Retail. |
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