Bangalore: The world is taken over by 3D and its touching our lives through movies, TVs and now mobile phones. While 3D renders more life to everything its in, the glasses required to view a 3D image not only affects the fashion conscious, it also affects your comfort level. Now there is a solution to wearing the 3D glass woes as well.
Sharp, the Japanese electronic product manufacturer is launching a mobile phone with a 3D display screen. The catch here is that you won't require glasses to view the mobile screen. Sharp had released two such phones in the Japanese market in the recent past. And as per reports, Sharp will bring the handsets to India, U.S. and China markets in 2011.
The device runs on Android operating system (Froyo) with the screen used is the same as that used in Nintendo 3DS, displaying 3D content sans glasses. With a display screen size of 3.8 inch, the phones are powered by 1GHz Snapdragon processor. Sharp has named the models the Galapagos 003SH and 005SH. While the former has a 9.6MP camera, the latter has a QWERTY keyboard and an 8MP camera.
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