Linux for Devices: “Google released a video overview of Android 3.0 (“Honeycomb”), confirming that it is designed for tablets while hinting at exclusivity for tablets. Honeycomb enhancements include a revamped, “virtual and holographic user interface,” improved multitasking, drag and drop widgets, video chat with Google Talk, Google eBooks integration, and tablet-oriented overhauls for the browser, Gmail, and YouTube.
With Asus, LG, and Motorola announcing their Honeycomb tablets yesterday, Google released a preview video of Android 3.0 in anticipation of a formal release date many expect will to coincide with Mobile World Congress in February.
The brief Google preview video for Honeycomb confirms several widely, but not universally held assumptions: First — as we had already learned from Asus’ announcement of its Honeycomb-based Eee Pad tablets yesterday — it’s Android 3.0, not Android 2.4. Second, it supports an optimized display on larger screens and higher resolutions. ”
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