Google TV has successfully been jailbroken using a hardware-software double-team hack. Spurred on by Android developer Howard Harte's $1000 bounty for the first successful jailbreak, a group calling themselves GTVhacker dev team rose to the challenge, and released a 6-minute video of the their work to prove it (included after the break).
What's the big deal? Well, in Harte's own words: "What this means is that we now have a complete Android development environment for the Google TV." The jailbreak has exposed the underlying Android system, which essentially means Android on a TV, complete with the ability to run Android apps.
Don't get your hopes up too soon for a user-land jailbreak however. The process requires opening up the Logitech Revue, a bit of soldering, and a pretty involved software hack -- not something your average Joe wanting Hulu on his Google TV is likely to manage. But it's a step in the right direction, and with a bit of luck an end-user software-only jailbreak will be forthcoming. Still, for the time being, Harte is pretty stoked because he and other developers can now get started on Google TV-based applications, while Google has yet to release any development tools.
Hit the break to watch the GTVhacker dev team in action.
What's the big deal? Well, in Harte's own words: "What this means is that we now have a complete Android development environment for the Google TV." The jailbreak has exposed the underlying Android system, which essentially means Android on a TV, complete with the ability to run Android apps.
Don't get your hopes up too soon for a user-land jailbreak however. The process requires opening up the Logitech Revue, a bit of soldering, and a pretty involved software hack -- not something your average Joe wanting Hulu on his Google TV is likely to manage. But it's a step in the right direction, and with a bit of luck an end-user software-only jailbreak will be forthcoming. Still, for the time being, Harte is pretty stoked because he and other developers can now get started on Google TV-based applications, while Google has yet to release any development tools.
Hit the break to watch the GTVhacker dev team in action.
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