During 2010 Apple stock has reached the highest value in history for a technology company, and has reached the second spot on the Standards and Poor Index, just below Exxon corporation. Microsoft has been relegated to third place. Apple capitalization has increased 73.59 percent in 2010 to an astonishing $302 Billion.
What we can expect in 2011? I don’t believe Apple can keep up the gains. In the last quarter the stock value has increased 15 percent, same as other technology companies such as Google and Microsoft. Most likely Apple will start to lose value in the second quarter of the year.
2010 was a big year for the Cupertino company, the introduction of the iPad was a worldwide success, with no competition in sight. But the other players are not dormant now, a handful of tablets, mostly based on Google’s free Android OS, are now beginning to be available on the market, and the promised iPad2 has no release date yet.
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