NVIDIA is a brand name of visual computer technology, inventor of GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). NVIDIA is name of the power of computer graphics. Its popular products are Tegra, ION, GeForce, Quadro, and Tesla.
Now its good news for user who like NVIDIA. And its like NVIDIA Tegra zone like to introduce Android apps with high graphic rich game apps. NVIDIA has launched Tegra 2 Dual-Core ARM processor for graphics solutions which are widely used most of SmartPhone. They would like to cover android market through their android based graphic games with Tegra 2 Chipset with web hosting spaces for unlimited storages for user as well as mobile application developers. So Developers can make high rich graphic games using Tegra Chipset with large file downloads without any sign on or payment method. For they make one android developers team for cover android apps market in 2011.
Also this Tegra zone offers consumers to vies and post products reviews with high resolutions screenshots and HD Trailers and they can pay using Android market for their apps. For android developers they can make large size game applications and downloaded larger file and sell their apps through Android market for increase revenue.
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