At the same time, the unique design features facilitate body and head movement while aiming, crawling and running. The bullet-proof jackets and helmets provide protection against ammunition.
In bullet-proof jackets specific layers of biaxial woven kevlar fabric have been stitched in diamond pattern. The trauma pack is an integral part of the ballistic insert. The assembly is stitched in water/moisture-resistant black plastic to maintain its ballistic properties. This effectively stops even a 9 mm bullet.
The jacket can stop a 7.62 mm bullet if the jacket has a laminated ceramic plate inserted to its front and back.
The outer cover is made of washable 100 per cent cotton camouflage twill. Advantages of using kevlar fabric are: high tensile strength/modules, high toughness, light weight, excellent retention of strength at elevated temperatures, high thermal stability, self extinguishing, cut resistant and good chemical resistance.
Such is the effectiveness of a bullet-proof jacket used by soldiers that when test fired from a distance of 5m by 9mm and 7.62mm caliber ammunition, the jacket can stop both types of bullets effectively with nominal trauma effect. Salient features: Protection level is good even without a ceramic plate when used against 9mm ammunition and with ceramic plate (against7.62mm ammunition)
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