The Israel-based leading designer and manufacturer of embedded Computing products has announced a new pocket sized tine desktop PC namely, Trim Slice. It is powered by NVIDIA Tegra 2 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 dual-core processor and has 1 GB DDR2-800 Memory. The upcoming device supports Gigabit Ethernet, and Wi-Fi 802.11n connectivity connectivity options as well as comes with NVIDIA Tegra 2 low power consumption. User can install any number of Linux based or Google Android based operating systems that supports ARM architecture. It can be used as a media player, or gaming system or even as a desktop PC.
CompuLab Trim Slice Tiny Desktop PC Specs
- Powered by NVIDIA Tegra 2 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 dual-core processor
- Supports Gigabit Ethernet, & Wi-Fi 802.11n connectivity
- Integrated ultra-low power GeForce GPU
- Includes HDMI, DVI, & four USB ports
- Can install Linux OS & Google Android OS
- 1 GB DDR2-800 Memory
- Up to 64GB of SSD
- Bluetooth connectivity
- Micro SD card reader
- Full-sized SDHC slot
- Consumes 3 Watt power
- Stereo line-out,& line-in
The CompuLab Trim Slice Desktop PC has full sized SDHC slot and microSD card reader. The pocket-sized tiny computer includes HDMI, DVI, four USB ports, and 5.1 channels digital audio. It measures 130 x 95 x 15 mm and consumes 3watt power. The CompuLab Trim Slice Desktop PC will be available in April 2011. There is no information about its pricing.
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