iRu has recently announced the release of its all-in-one desktop PC, called as the iRU AIO. I can only say, its an innovation to desktop PC lineup from iRU. The new iRU AIO desktop is bundled with some impressive configurations. As far as its specs, the new iRU AIO desktop series are powered by a 2.4GHz Intel Core i3-370 or 2.53GHz Intel Core i5-460 processor, and preloaded with Windows 7 or MeeGo operating system. Beside these, this new all-in-one desktop PC has a 21.5-inch display which supports Full HD, and includes lot more features. Lets have a look on the below specs list to collect more information on the new iRU AIO desktop.
iRU AIO Desktop Specs
- 21.5-inch display with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution (Full HD)
- Preloaded with Windows 7 or MeeGo OS
- Powered by a 2.4GHz Intel Core i3-370 or 2.53GHz Intel Core i5-460 processor
- Integrated graphics (Core i3-370) or a 512MB nVidia GeForce G310 graphics card (Core i5-460)
- 2GB/4GB RAM, and 320GB to 1TB hard drive
- Webcam and DVD writer
- Bundled with Mafia 2 game software
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