Asus, which unveiled three Android Honeycomb tablets earlier this year, intends to introduce at least one new tablet with a 3D display. had a chat with Asus’ CEO Jerry Chen, who unveiled some of the company’s plans for 2011.
As mentioned above, the Taiwanese company wants to introduce a 3D tablet that will use a quad-core processor – most probably made by Nvidia. Like LG’s Optimus Pad (the first tablet with a 3D screen), Asus’ upcoming device should run Android.
There’s no word on the launch date of the Asus 3D tablet, but it will probably be out towards the end of the year.
(this is not the 3D tablet, it’s just the Asus EeePad MeMo)
As for smartphones, it’s said that the company will have only Android-based ones this year. So maybe the Windows Phone 7-based E600 was cancelled? Since it wasn’t announced at MWC 2011, this may be the case indeed.
You can check out the full interview with Jerry Chen here at Hi-tech (automatic translation from Russian).
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