The most exciting item listed on the Roadmap above of course is the one coming last in the year, and that is BlackBerry 7 core integration. Though no other information is provided, you almost *have to assume* BlackBerry 7 would be the jump from the traditional BlackBerry Operating System we know and love (and occassionally hate on) to the QNX-based operating system that is used to power the BlackBerry PlayBook's BlackBerry Tablet OS. It makes sense RIM would go with a branding jump from 6 to 7 for a BIG OS change like that in BlackBerry Smartphones (especially considering we're about to see the move from BlackBerry 6 to 6.1). But who knows. It's early days and RIM has a lot of work ahead of them in pushing the PlayBook to market and building up that platform so it works in BlackBerry Smartphones as well. But damn... I have goosebumps. BlackBerry SEVEN. Exciting stuff. :)
Source: N4BB